
Showing posts from 2019

Mind Matters ....MIND It!

Just imagine a single day when some  of us  have  not uttered  the expressions " loosing my mind",  " let me speak my mind",  " lot on my mind" " peace of mind" "I am in two minds "  !  .  We seldom ponder to think of these utterances. Lets try and  understand  this   " Mind matter" and why it matters to us .     Typically humans are characterized as having both a mind   ( non physical) and body / brain  ( physical) . It is   important to note that " mind" is not synonymous with brain .Think of brain as a hardware that allows us to experience these mental states that are labelled the "mind" ( software) .   We are constantly referring to the 'mind' but we shy away from acknowledging its existence and   significance. Mind consists of mental states such as thoughts, emotions, beliefs, attitudes and Images.   Different mental states can positively or negati...